Dr. MKC nair was our chief guest and sir delivered a talk on Ethics in research. Dr. M.K.C. Nair is the President Elect, National Neonatology Forum (NNF) – 2009 – 2010 and has held numerous positions including National President, IAP Adolescent Pediatrics Chapter– 2007- 2009, National President, IndiaCLEN – 2005 – 2007, National President, Indian Academy Of Paediatrics (IAP) – 2004, Fellow, Indian Academy of Paediatrics among others. He is awarded as best vice chancellor and now working in NIMS hospital trivandrum. He published many books about adolescence, child development, family etc. It was a wonderful session and sir talked about types of ethics in research its necessities, social importance, sir also added importance of impartiality of teacher, need for empathy towards students and ethics need to be followed.. Sir told the role of a research guide and how a guide need to be fruitful in his position and duty. It was an informative session.