Nadi Shodhana and Brahmari🧘

Last online class

Class started with silent prayer for few minutes. George sir explained about two pranayama techniques- Anulom vilom and Bhramari.

Anulom vilom is one of the best breathing exercise for body and mind. It help in reducing stress. Anulom vilom is also called Nadi Shodhana pranayama.It purifies internal body and soul.
Brahmari is excellent for releasing anger, frustation and in this excercise we exhale air making a humming sound  resembling  bee sound so called brahmari.
In my personal experience  practising Anulom vilom gives me more calm , relaxed and clear mind.

 Next class by our Shiney teacher. Class started with thought for the day and vocabulary words. Teacher gave some work and class was ended up due to some busy NAAC works.

Pranayama is the practise of breath control.The word prana refers not only to breath, but also to air and life itself - Christy Turlington


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